Head of the Institution: Rector Vitaliy Velikanov
Name of Institution: Belarusian state of the orders of the October Revolution and Labor Red Banner agricultural academy
Foundation Date: 1840
Mailing Address: Michurin street, 5
213407 Gorki, Mogilev region
How to get: From Minsk you should take a direct train till the station Pogodino (the name of the town and the station is different). It will take about 3-4 hours to get to Gorki.
Phone number(s): + 375 2233 78274
Fax(es): + 375 2233 79641
Web-site: www.baa.by
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fms.bgsha
E-mail:fms_baa [at] mail [dot] ru (fms_baa@mail.ru)
Undergraduate courses
- Agronomy
- Accounting
- Agri-ecology
- Biotechnology and Aquaculture
- Business and law
- Economics
- Farm engineering
- Land improvement and rural construction
- Land management
Specialties for which you can get an education
Bachelor’s Degree
- Agronomy. Specialties and specialisations: Agronomy, selection in seed breeding, plant produce processing and storage
- Accounting. Specialties and specialisations: accounting, analysis and audit in agro-industrial complex, finance in agro-industrial complex) - a four-year course.
- Agricultural ecology. Specialties and specialisations: agro-chemistry and soil science, plant protection and quarantine, horticulture, agricultural ecology.
- Biotechnology and aquaculture. Specialties and specialisations: technology of livestock production and herd management, production technology in the industrial-type complexes, poultry production technology, technology of pig production, aquaculture, technology of fish and fish products processing
- Business and Law. Specialties and specialisations: legal relations in business, marketing in agro-industrial complex, agri-business) - a four-year course.
- Economics. Specialties and specialisations: economics and management of agri-enterprises;, world economics) - a four-year course
- Farm engineering. Specialties and specialisations: technical support of agricultural production processes, technical support of reclamation and water related works
- Land improvement and rural construction. Specialties and specialisations: land reclamation and water resources, rural construction and spatial planning
- Land management. Specialties and specialisations: land management; land cadastre.
Master’s Degree
- Economics and management
- Accounting, statistics
- Management in social and economic systems
- Ecology
- Land improvement, recultivation and protection
- Technologies and farm mechanization
International relations and main international actions
The academy has signed more than 100 Agreements on cooperation with universities of Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, China, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Germany, Russia, Kazakhstan, India, Turkmenistan etc.
Participation in EU programmes TEMPUS, Erasmus+, KA1 & KA2, INTERREG.
Ingoing mobility – from Poland, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Venezuela, Germany.
Outgoing mobility – Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, China, India, Germany, Russian, Kazakhstan, USA, Israel etc.
Living conditions for foreign students
The academy disposes of 14 students’ hostels which are within walking distance from the teaching buildings. All foreign students are provided with accommodation. It’s a shared bedroom, a shared bathroom and a kitchen area with a refrigerator, sport facilities and a laundry.
How to Apply
- an application for admission to study with indication of a specialty;
- a certificate on finishing a preparatory course (if you have it);
- a passport; copy
- an education certificate (document) with the list of studied subjects and marks received at examinations + attested by a notary translation into Russian;
- birth certificate + attested by a notary translation into Russian;
- medical certificate on the state of health and a certificate on absence of HIV, given by official health authorities of the country of arrival + their attested by a notary translation into Russian;
- a medical insurance policy;
- 6 photos (size 3x4 cm).
- Language of studies is Russian.
- Entrance test – Russian language proficiency.
- The evaluation system – 1-10 marks.
- Tuition fee in 2019/2020 academic year is 1950 USD
- Preparatory course is offered for applicants who don’t speak Russian
Important information!!! Foreign students can get a scholarship in case if they have high results in education, research and social life.
Contact information for foreign candidates for training
Republic of Belarus
213410, Mogilev region
E-mail: fms_baa [at] mail [dot] ru (fms_baa@mail.ru)
Tel:+375 2233 7 96 54
+375 2233 7 96 69
Cultural life
The academy offers plenty of opportunities for students to get involved. It is more than just textbooks, classes and exams; it’s also making friends, gaining real-world experience and making the most of your time on campus to join, to attend and to realize your creative potential.