Head of the Institution

Professor Anna Nikolaevna Sender

Name of Institution: 

Brest State A.S. Pushkin University

Foundation Date: 


Mailing Address: 

box [at] brsu [dot] brest [dot] by

How to get: 

21, Kosmonavtov Boulevard, 224016 Brest, the Republic of Belarus

Phone number(s):

(375-162) 21-65-17


(375-162) 21-70-53







box [at] brsu [dot] brest [dot] by


Faculty of Foreign Languages

Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy

Faculty of Social Sciences and Pedagogy

Faculty of Natural Science

Faculty of History

Faculty of Philology

Faculty of Physics and Mathematics

Faculty of Physical Education

Faculty of Law

Specialties for which you can get an education

A number of specialties on which the admission for receiving higher education of the first cycle is being held at Brest State University in 2023/2024 academic year (in English).

Bachelor’s Degree

6-05 0113 04 “Mathematics and Computer Science”

6-05 0533 09 “Applied Mathematics (scientific and industrial activity)”

6-05 0533 04 “Computer Physics”

6-05 1013 01 “Tourism and Hospitality”

6-05 0115 01 “Physical Education”

1-24 01 02 “Jurisprudence”

1-26 02 01 “Business Administration”


A number of specialties on which the admission for receiving higher education of the second cycle is being held at Brest State University in 2023/2024 academic year (in English).

Master’s Degree

1-08 80 04 “Physical culture and Sport”

1-08 80 08 “Scientific and Pedagogical Activity” with a major in “General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogics and Education”

1-23 80 03 “Psychology” with a major in “Psychological Counselling and Psychocorrection”

7-06 0311 01 “Economy”

7-06 0421 01 “Law”

1-31 80 03 “Mathematics and Computer sciences” with a major in “Web Development and Internet Technologies”

1-89 80 01 “Tourism and Hospitality”

International relations and main international actions

International cooperation is one of the most effective mechanisms of development of educational and scientific activities of the University. Currently the University implements cooperation programmes in the framework of more than 60 agreements with higher education institutions and foreign organizations from different countries: Russia, Ukraine, Belgium, France, Hungary, Germany, Azerbaijan, Switzerland, China, Kazakhstan, Poland, Italy, Lithuania and etc.

The University takes an active part in different international academic and scientific programmes and projects of UNESCO, UNDP, as well as Erasmus+, TEMSPUS, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Cross Border Cooperation Programme Poland – Belarus – Ukraine, Lifelong Learning Programme – Jean Monnet and etc.

The educational services of the University are attractive and competitive. Today more than 550 foreign citizens from 11 countries study at our University.

In June 2017, the University confirmed the certificate of compliance with quality management standards – the national certificate for compliance with the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2015.

According to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus № 171, dated March, 1, 2017, the educational institution “Brest State A.S. Pushkin University” has been given Belarus Government Quality Excellence Award 2016 for the significant achievements in the field of quality and competitiveness of the products, performed services or work, the implementation of innovative technologies and modern management methods.

In 2009 the title of Honorary Doctor of Brest State A.S. Pushkin University was awarded to professors Т. Hellbrügge (Munich International Academy of Rehabilitation, Germany) and M. Van Hulle (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium), in 2011 this title was awarded to K. Rosenthal (Padeborn University, Germany)

Living conditions for foreign students 

The University occupies three academic buildings, with four halls of residence, a sports complex with a swimming pool, a library, museums of biology, ethnography, geology, history of physical culture and sport in Brest region, a winter garden, a perpetual florescence garden, agrobiological research and sports and fitness facilities. The departments are equipped with media centres; all university buildings provide wireless internet access.

All foreign students are provided with a dormitory. University campus has comfortable hostels of block and corridor types. All dormitories have social and domestic facilities: kitchens, showers, rooms for self-training and recreation, sport rooms, medical insulators. Next to the dormitories, there are catering facilities (canteens, cafes). The dormitories are located within walking distance (10-15 minutes on foot) from the academic buildings and thanks to the developed transportation system of the city of Brest you may reach the University using one of the city buses or route taxies.  

How to Apply

1. Invitation for Studies

Foreign citizens who wish to study at Brest State A.S. Pushkin University need to obtain an invitation for education which will help to get a visa in a consular office of Belarus.

To obtain the Invitation for Education foreign citizens are to apply the following documents to international relations office:

1. Filled in application form

2. Notarized copy of the document on education where studied subjects and received marks (points) are indicated;

3. Notarized (if necessary) translation into the Russian or Belarusian languages of the documents on education where studied subjects and received marks (points) are indicated;

4. A copy of passport or other identifying document;

5. A notarized (if necessary) translation into the Russian or Belarusian languages of passport or other identifying document.


2. Admission

STEP 1 To submit the following documents to the Admission Board:

1. Application for admission with specialty specified (to be filled on submission of the documents to the admission board);

2. Documents on education where done subjects and received marks (points) are specified;

3. Health certificate confirming the applicant is medically fit to study in the climatic conditions of Belarus, authenticated by the official medical organization of the candidate’s homeland country ;

4. Medical certificate on absence of AIDS issued by the official medical organization of the candidate’s country of arrival;

5. Authenticated copy of the birth certificate;

6. 6 photos sized 3x4 cm;

7. Certificate on finishing a preparatory department or courses (if any);

8. Document establishing your identity (national passport).


The above mentioned documents are to be supplied with the notarized translation into the Belorussian or Russian language.


STEP 2 To pass an interview in the profile subjects and the Russian language.


STEP 3 Sign the Education Contract and make payment for education. Payment can be made in the branch office of “Belarusbank” which is located on the first floor of the University’s main building.

On the basis of the signed Contract and the bank receipt confirming that the payment for education has been made the University’s authorities make a Warrant of Admission and you are a student of Brest State A.S. Pushkin University, so you can begin your study and get the student ticket.

Contact information for foreign candidates for training

Address: 21, Kosmonavtov Boulevard, room 117, 224016 Brest, the Republic of Belarus

Tel: +375 162 21-06-68
Mob. Tel: +375 29 21-06-115
E-mail: int [at] brsu [dot] byoms [at] brsu [dot] brest [dot] by
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/international.brsu/?ref=br_rs

Cultural life

Under the modern sociocultural conditions, the university plays an important role not only in the professional training of a specialist capable of mobilizing his resources, knowledge, skills, behavioural relations in a dynamically developing society, but also in the upbringing of a multifaceted, morally mature and creative personality. We are proud of traditions of organizing cultural and leisure activities of students. Attached to the student’s club there exist the folk theatre studio, the singing studio “Steps”, the university league of KVN and KVN team “By far”, dance studio “One Way”, the club “Dialogue of Cultures” and etc.

Volunteer movement is widely developed in the University. There are 22 volunteer squads, “Council of University Volunteers”, “Academy of Volunteering”, “School of Volunteers”.

A large number of traditional events are held every year: “Believe in yourself!” (for the title “Student of the Year”), festival of foreign students, “Master of Speech”, “Sport and Health Days”, competition of the patriotic song “Youth and Time: a feat for the sake of the future”, etc. New forms were actively introduced : the students’ youth parade “SPRING-STUDENT-SUCCESS”, sports-game festival “Fizkult-Ura”, quest-presentations for students of general educational institutions “New Year’s wonders at the Christmas tree”, “Colour Book of Summer”, etc.

All the necessary conditions have been created to maintain and improve the health of students: the Department of Health Care Organization, a sports complex with 4 halls and a swimming pool, 17 sports and fitness sections, a sports club, a tourist club "Berestye".
