Head of the Institution - Kirkor Maxim Alexandrovich, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
Name of Institution: Belarusian State University of Food and Chemical Technologies
Foundation Date: 1973
Mailing Address: mail [at] bgut [dot] by
How to get: 3, Shmidt Avenue, Mogilev, 212027, Belarus (trolleybus № 5,7; bus № 8,11,24 to the bus stop «University of Food Technologies»)
Phone number(s):
Fax(es): 375 222 649011
Web-site: http://www.bgut.by/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mgupbelarus/
Skype: mgup_df
E-mail: mail [at] bgut [dot] by, sig [at] bgut [dot] by%20">sig [at] bgut [dot] by
Specialties for which you can get an education
Bachelor’s Degree Specialities:
• Mechanical Engineer in specializing in: «Food Engineering Machines and Devices»; «Low Temperature Technology».
• Automation Engineer in specializing in: «Automation of Technological Processes and Production».
• Software Engineer specializing in: «Information Systems and Technologies».
• Ecologists, Environmental Engineer specializing in: «Environmental Protection Activities ».
• Process Engineer specializing in: «Technology of Storage and Processing of Food Vegetable Raw Materials».
«Technology of Flour, Cereal, and Animal Feed Production»;
«Technology of Bread, Pasta, Confectionery Production and Food Concentrates»;
«Technology of Long-Term Food»;
«Technology of Fermentation and Winemaking»;
«Food Processing and Organization of Public Catering»;
«Technology of Storage and Processing of Animal Raw Materials»;
«Technology of Meat and Meat Products»;
«Technology of Milk and Dairy Products»;
• Chemical Engineer specializing in: «Chemical Technology of Organic Substances, Materials and Products».
• Economist in specializing: «Accounting, Analysis Audit».
• Manager-Economist specializing in: «Management of Innovative Projects of Industrial Enterprises».
• Engineer- Economist specializing in: «Economy and Organization of Production (Food Industry)», «Economy and Organization of Production (Public Catering)».
• Commodity Expert specializing in: «Commodity Research and Examination of Foodstuffs».
Correspondence faculty organizes training on the basis of general secondary education and on the basis of specialized secondary education in 13 specialities.
Foreign nationals are admitted to all courses of correspondence form of education in case of a group of at least 10 persons.
Master’s Degree
• Masters in specialities: «Merchandising and Goods Expertise»; «Business Engineering»;«Machines, Aggregates and Processes (Food Industry)»; «Power Engineering»; «Automation»; «Polymers and Composite Technology and Processing»; «Food Production of Animal Raw Material»; «Foodstuff Production and Catering Management»; «Food Production of Vegetable Raw Materials»; «Chemistry»
Specialties on which training is realized in the English language:
International relations and main international actions http://international-activities.bgut.by/en/
Living conditions for foreign students
International students are offered accommodation in a block-type hostel (bathroom is available) located within 10 minutes of walking distance from the University. Generally, 2- 3 students share a room. Pricing varies from 35$— to 45$ per month for a person.
How to Apply
Once you have decided to continue your education at a university in Belarus, you will need to contact the university in order to receive an invitation to apply to study there. To do this you will need to provide the following documents:
• completed application form
• copy of your certificate of education showing your subjects and grades
• copy of your passport and birth certificate
• copy of your medical certificate
Once you have chosen your university and your course, you will need to apply for a student visa.
You do this by sending your chosen university:
Documentation can be supplied in Russian or Belarusian. If documents are provided in English, French, Spanish or German, accompanying translated copies are required in Russian or Belarusian.
Courses are conducted in Russian.
Most students live in student hostels, the cost of which is about 15-30 US dollars per month.
Contact information for foreign candidates for training
sig [at] bgut [dot] by
Cultural life
The university has well equipped facilities such as fitness and sports gyms, a stadium with running tracks, football playing field with tribunes, a gym campus, sport games grounds with synthetic covering, tennis-courts, hokey-ground, football arena and sports and fitness camp. Professional competitions, festivals, university humor parties, amateur performances contents are annually organized at the University. Art clubs are organized at the University.