Head of the Institution Major General of the Police Alexander Vasiliev

Name of Institution: Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus (Academy of the MIA)

Foundation Date: 1958

Mailing Address: 6A Masherov Ave, 220005 Minsk

How to get: 
by metro to the station of Victory Square, by bus No 100 to the bus stop of Kozlova, by bus No 19 to the stop of Victory Square, by trams to the stop of Independence Ave

Phone number(s): +375 17 289-23-30 (reception of the head); +375 17 289-22-72, 289-23-42, 318-36-01 (application committee); +375 289 21 31 (fee-based education)

Fax(es): +375 17 365-27-58

Web-site: www.amia.by (official web-site of the academy)

E-mail: info [at] amia [dot] by


Faculty of Investigators and Experts

Faculty of Corrections

Faculty of Police

Faculty of Enhancing Qualification and Retraining of Cadres

Scholarly-Pedagogical Faculty

Faculty of Law

Bachelor’s Degree Majors


Economic Law


Master’s Degree Majors


Public Administration and Law

The International Cooperation

International cooperation is carried out in order to integrate the educational services of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs into the world educational space, approval of the brand of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, improving the competitiveness of institutions in the international market of scientific and educational services, improving the competitiveness of graduates, international recognition of diplomas, ensuring the academic mobility of students and teaching staff.

In connection with the development of international cooperation of the Academy of MIA, a Department of international cooperation was established on February 28, 2009. The structural unit is directly subordinate to the Deputy Head of the Academy of the Ministry of internal Affairs for international cooperation and Head of the International training center for training, advanced training and retraining in the field of migration and combating human trafficking.

The Department is intended to provide activities for the establishment and development of international relations in the field of training, advanced training and retraining, as well as in the field of scientific-technical and educational-methodical cooperation with foreign universities, foreign, international, non-governmental organizations.

Within the framework of international cooperation, work is carried out to expand international relations of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the field of export of educational services, attracting investments, ensuring international academic mobility and academic exchange (the direction of adjuncts of the Academy of the Ministry of internal Affairs to study abroad, organization of trips abroad of representatives of permanent and variable composition of the institution). The Academy carries out the training of foreign specialists, organize international events – conferences, seminars, trainings, etc. work on establishing and development of direct contractual relationships with relevant universities of the countries of near and far abroad. The Academy participates in the implementation of state and international programs and projects

